
Pre-tax individual healthcare premiums

Question:  Can an employer reimburse its employees for premiums…

Instructions for filing the PCOR fees by July 31, 2014

IRS has issued a revised Form 720 and instructions for filing…

IRS Releases Q&As on Reimbursing Individual Health Premiums

On May 13, 2014,  the IRS issued Q&A guidance restating the…

Health Reform Questions: Enrolling in the Marketplace this Fall

Question:  I enrolled in my employer's group medical coverage…

The Cost of Misclassification of Independent Contractors

The misclassification of an employee as an independent contractor…

The Playing Field Tilts in Workers' Comp Cases

Worker safety is an issue in virtually every industry or profession.…

Special 60-Day Enrollment Period in the Marketplace for COBRA Participants

Important Notice Regarding COBRA Continuation Coverage and Health…

What is the out-of pocket limits for 2015?

For 2015, please be aware that there will two different out-of-pocket…

The Heartbleed Bug: Is your information protected?

One of the largest internet security threats in history…