Another Employer Headache: The Complexity of ERISA Compliance

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) added to the already overwhelming amount of mandatory notices required for employers to remain compliant. Employers are required to provide employees with a variety of notices advising them of their rights and responsibilities in regard to FMLA, HIPAA and the ACA. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) is no exception to this trend, presenting further challenges to employers in remaining compliant with federal and state laws.

The DOL’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) is responsible for ensuring adherence to the employee benefit plan system in the United States. The EBSA substantially increased their enforcement of ERISA audits throughout the U.S. in 2013 and found over $1.6 billion in total monetary results with companies who were not fully compliant. These monetary results achieved by the EBSA are expected to grow in 2014, further underlining the importance for employers to administer a fair, consistent and effective ERISA program to their employees.

BASIC’s ERISA Essentials reduces your risk and frees valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on your active employees and operations. BASIC’s customized Client Compliance Manual includes all the documents and forms required for employers to stay up to date on current regulations. Clients are also granted access to consult with BASIC’s compliance experts 24/7. Let BASIC help you remain compliant with the ACA, ERISA, HIPAA and other laws while reducing the burden on your work load.

To request a proposal on BASIC’s ERISA Essentials, visit:

To learn more on the DOL’s Employee Benefits Security Administration, visit: